First Quantum Computer Factory Planned for the U.S.

Written By Luke Sweeney

Updated September 18, 2024

Quantum computing technology has officially reached the mainstream. In fact, it has been dominating headlines for more than a year now. 

That’s not always a sign that a new technology has entered reality. The hype cycle can often run for years or even decades before an idea graduates to the real world. 

Well, I’m delighted to say that quantum computing has officially passed that milestone.

ionq aria

A new facility dedicated exclusively to quantum computer manufacturing is slated to open in Washington state. These revolutionary machines are officially going commercial. 

Sure, a few companies already offer “quantum computing as a service” through a cloud server, but that’s hardly an effective use of this tech’s immense potential. 

IonQ, a highly respected, Maryland-based company specializing in trapped-ion quantum computing, is planning to start building out this new 65,000-square-foot facility immediately while the market is still young. 

Companies like IonQ have designs that are proven to work. Now the next step in the process is to put them into as many hands as possible.

Biologists, physicists, engineers, and anyone else who crunches impossibly complex numbers for a living will all want their own dedicated quantum computer.

The entire scientific community has been waiting anxiously for this exact moment. 

The Machines Themselves Are Great, but There’s More…

The real potential of quantum computers is the problems they can solve. 

That’s arguably the most critical factor of quantum computing. It’s not about simply building the best computer but rather building a tool that can revolutionize every industry on the planet

Quantum computers blow their traditional predecessors out of the water in fields like biology, advanced physics, artificial intelligence, and chemistry. 

Imagine you need to simulate a model of a patient’s blood flow, or the aerodynamics of a random object, or all the different responses an AI could have for the question “Who are you?”

These problems are practically impossible with today’s computers. There are too many variables to churn through line-by-line. 

Quantum machines have the mind-blowing ability to rip through these problems in hours instead of millennia. In every field of science, I guarantee you they have at least one “white whale” problem that the industry simply cannot solve. 

Quantum computers could soon solve every single one. 

Combined, the industries it could completely revamp are worth close to $50 trillion. It’s one of the most disruptive pieces of technology the world has ever seen. 

Though the science behind it is complicated, you don’t need a Ph.D. to get a piece of this record-setting market. 

What you absolutely NEED to do, however, is learn to avoid a few incredibly common mistakes.

Our analysts and production team condensed all the most up-to-date research into this free presentation. It’s an early look at the tech that will soon become as commonplace as the device you're using to read this. 

Don’t wait — once the rest of the herd catches up, the golden opportunity will be long gone.

To your wealth,

Luke Sweeney
Contributor, Energy and Capital

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